Playwrights’ Studio Scotland

Website Image Brief

Types of image


All our images can be the first split into two types, Hero and Content. We can then better understand the purpose of an image by thinking about our Why, How and What. Does an image embody why we exist, how we do what we do or what we do?



Hero images promote our purpose, they show emotive, aspirational stories. Hero images will often be to show our WHY. Why do we exsist


Content images are used within articles, stories and social media. Content images are often used to detail our how and what rather than our why. For example rather than show the output of a playwrights work, they may show the process in creating that work and the services we provide in support.

Hero Images

Show artists work, while creating a sense of inspiration. Represent the creativity in the industry

  • Bold

  • Dynamic (High Contrast, Dynamic Lighting)

  • Authentic


Content / On Page Images

Images used in content blocks on pages, to help tell the story or give visual context

  • Authentic

  • Simple

  • People doing things that relate to our why and what, for example our services and events

News / Opportunity Images

Images that are both content in style but also used to promote a news item, service or event

  • Authentic, contains information such as title of opportunity

  • Simple

  • Actions and people that represent the context

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